Well it seems to me with all the control we are given already with Mix Layer Selection , and Mix Shape....there really ought to be a whole DMX profile just for mixes.

So a user would simply patch a whole Mix as a fixture from the DMX console, which includes the Mix Layer Select, and Mix Shape parameters.

Other things I would personally like to see with this are a Master Intensity (as already stated), and Color FX, and Visual FX just like on the regular layers.

I hate to draw this comparison to another product here, but....it would be great if Mixes were controllable much in the same way as the "GLOBAL" fixture of a DL.2.

So a DMX chart might look something like this:


1 - Mix Intensity
2 thru 17 - Mix layer select
18 Output-1 select
19 Output-2 select
20+21 Mix X-position (pixel placement in raster)
22+23 Mix Y-position (pixel placement in raster)
24 Mix X-size/aspect
25 Mix Y-size/aspect
26 X1 Shape
27 Y1 Shape
28 X2 Shape
29 Y2 Shape
30 X3 Shape
31 Y3 Shape
32 X4 Shape
33 Y4 Shape
34 Mix Color FX
35 thru 37 - CMY/RGB parameter control
38 Mix Visual FX
39 VFX param-1
40 VFX param-2

Does this make sense? 40 channels just like a sub-layer.

I do realize that with 12 layers + 4 mixes this goes way over a single DMX universe, but this is easily overcome by using ArtNET, or using fewer layers/mixes.