Sorry, I was looking at one product and saw eVigilant, I mean the iView stuff. What I'm thinking now, is if I have two eXtreme4s, one on each output of an nvidia Quadro FX 4000, aka the system I have at the moment. Then arrange the 8 outputs straight across 2-8, number 1 being my local. So on my outputs 2-7 I have my image/video curve screened within catalyst and number 8 sphere screened to tie up to the projected images below. How does that sound? The eXtreme units can receive up to 4k x 4k input data, and the 4k size limit in catalyst, means I should be on the cusp of what catalyst can do right now. I'd just wonder if the Quadro FX4000 can handle it. The DP-DVI output on it cannot handle a TH2G while one is connected to the main DVI output so is this the best card I can get. I'm willing to put in the best cards and hardware if it works