Quote Originally Posted by OlliR View Post
So the RAID seems to be no advantage at all. I did not expect this. I believed the RAID should have a greater bandwidth and perform better with larger files.

For sure I will look into the MTRON SSDs. But 1500 Euros for 64 GB is quite a statement...
raids do not work - and are pointless unless you are trying to achieve high data rates - with only 2 or 3 layers for uncompressed playback -
other than that they are pointless. I keep trying to say this-

the problem is that SATA discs have very poor random access data rates - sure they can do 150MB/s or more in a RAID config- but that is for 1 file - read sequentially.
catalyst does not read 1 file sequentially. It reads 1 file for each and every layer. In a random and unpredictable manner.
And SATA raids can actually perform worse with catalyst than a single disc.
A hard disc is a rotating device that typically rotates at 7200rpm - one revolution in 8.3ms - only a single read head - if you miss the data you need on one rotation - you have to wait up to another 8.33ms before it comes round again. 8.33ms is forever in computers.

The MTRON discs are worth every single cent - you get up to 14 layers of playback - with no dropped frames - on any layers - because there is no rotational latency - access times are 0.1ms -
Being able to almost guarantee this performance across all files - at all times - in the type of shows we do - is a life saver.
Performance is critical in almost all the shows i do.
As it is in most video applications.


Did you find a source for the MTRON discs in the EU?
for 6 1080p layers rather than 3 1080p layers - double the performance - i dont think the cost is much.