Sorry for being annoying here... I was rather frustrated earlier and shouldn't have posted while frustrated.

I'll go slowly and calmly this time.

My bug report... maybe its intentional, but it seems like a bug. Ignoring the submixes for a bit, when I attempt to keystone a layer by itself, I set the visual effect channel to keystone. When in that mode, adjusting the scale of the layer doesn't have any effect. Position, rotation, and aspect ratio work, scale doesn't at all.

Ok, back to the submix discussion. I will preface this with saying that for the shot I was working on, the projector is about 70 degrees off center, I will admit that it is a crazy shot, but its what I have to work with.

The LD and director decided to cut a couple of the less important extreme shots. Doing this allowed me to dedicate a submix to that one box, and by using the GUI controls, I was able to make it work.

Since I do not have DMX control of the scale or position of the keystoned submix, I was having to set the scale to 8 to get the image big enough to hit all the various positions that the box in question moved to. When the scale is set that high, moving the corners via DMX won't go far enough to do what I needed. Using the GUI controls it would. In this instance, having 16 bit control of the corners so I could go further would have done what I needed.

Using a submix per box is a great idea, and I'd love to do that. But, since the boxes turn and move all over the place, and I don't have full dmx control of the mix, I am forced to use a preset submix for only particular things, and go without a submix for other cues.

Having 16 bit control of all the paramters of a mix in keystone mode, rather than 8 bit control of only the corners, would have made my life much easier, and I wouldn't have been posting frustrated rantings earlier.

(The stress doesn't help either... being a full time student with another unrelated part time job doesn't leave much time to try and get this show up in the next 4 days... again, sorry for being annoying, try to bear with me)