Hey Peter,

I have a few different computers and a few different video cards. Some of the events I do are not completely mission critical. Basically, entertainment events where I do not have to be 100% up. In cases like these I push the envelope and will actually run six projection sources on 2 TH2G devices.

At a XGA or SXGA, the only cards that will drive 2 TH2G devices are the 8800 and the Quatro Cards.

For all other show environments and for any system I would potentially rent or sell, I have the x1900 because it is a better card overall.

In most cases, it's worth it to get an x1900 and be content with only running 4 video devices off of your system. Of course most people still only use 2 outputs per machine and in this case the x1900 is always the better choice.

So basically it depends on your circumstances. If you are interested in the new Phoenix Capture Cards from Active Silicon then get an x1900. Otherwise, if you take into account what I've said and the advice of the others in assorted threads, you'll be just fine.

Good luck