Yes, no matter what the image is the same. Only catalyst, no matter what resolution/refresh. I found this post though which describes similar

Hi there

I have a strange problem... i have to output 1024 pxl to a led screen... When i show the desktop in the led screen then everything is okay but when i start the catalyst up i´m missing the first collum of pixels...(1 og the 1024).. I have tried everything with and without pixelmix and it is the same deal..


Best Regards

Thomas" to which Richard replied
"its an apple bug - sometimes on some version of os etc - there is a mis-alignment between screen values and underlying coordinate values-

i need to put an option in preferences to switch between different alignments."

My conclusion is that it's just one line of pixels, and only myself and the guys setting up the system noticed it. The way I would do it if it were my screen would be to shift the screens across but the system the guys have means physically taking out each panel to address them 32 pixels right, which for like around 400 panels is just too much for one line, there is no software to control overall position, just addresses. I may just get a scan converter and do it that way but it's such a small thing that it won't make any difference.