Yes - this is possible in V4 using the crop visual FX as described below...

Quote Originally Posted by samsc View Post
in v4 there are a whole load of new crop fx. visfx 195- 202
cropping with borders - with and without preview
cropping using keystone parameters.
with and without recentring - so you can crop then rotate without having to worry about the crop shifting around
For video input only - you can use the 'crop' features in the video input controls window. This will allow you to crop each of the 4 sides of the video inputs Top, Bot, L, R. (commonly used to get rid of noise around the edge of pictures).

You can still use the Crop FX on each layer - on top of the video input crop (if you if you really need to...)

If you're still running V3 - download V4 and have a look to see if it will do what you need it to. Let me know if you want a quote to upgrade your dongle
