Hi there, a bit off-topic but might still be interesting to some.

I'm trying to compile a system which will enable the recording of the (realtime) DVI output of another computer.

The recording machine will be a dualprocessor 2.5 PCI-X machine.
Capturing card for HD-SDI will be either the AjaKona LH or the Decklink HDPro.

Btw. the conversion box is the Matrox MFO -- http://www.matrox.com/video/products/mxo/home.cfm

Will a RAID0 system like this be sufficient ?

1x http://www.sonnettech.com/product/fusion500p.html
1x http://www.sonnettech.com/product/tempo_sata_x4p.html
5x http://www.zipzoomfly.com/jsp/Produc...uctCode=101537
5x http://www.zipzoomfly.com/jsp/Produc...uctCode=100600
