Hello -
Few comments after using latest version today and further comments to the above comments....

HUD restore positions
All HUD issues, as mentioned, on output 2 seem to work correctly now.

However, if you overlap 2 mix windows slightly, it doesnt restore correctly in the following scenario:
Place mix 2 overlaping on top of mix 1, lock all - do a restart - and mix 1 will apear on top of mix 2 - not as when left.
(I had to fit 2 x 640x480 mix windows on a 1280x1024 desktop - and had to overlap mix 2 on top of the layer select buttons on the RHS of mix 1)

Sync ID's
In certain cases where it is not always obvious, when setting up, which layers might be used as 'masters' - therefore it is necessary to assign sync ID's to most layers (if not all of them). If you then consider multiple servers, more sync ID's would be usefull.... either that or we have to plan our setups with more pre-thought!!

Scan files
if you scan files using 'Menu - Window/library/' 'scan files' button - the dialog is visible. However if you use the 'scan files' button on the 'library' HUD view - it isnt....
(so that answers my request.... kind-of!?!)

HUD Library files views -
On output 1, after slow scan files, icons are visible - but are kind of pixilated and blury.
If you open the same HUD view on output 2, even after a slow scan files, the icons are simply 'white'... no images seen.
Any chance of sharper images?

Cat Settings:
Figured out that 'CatPPC_settings.xml ' is the one to look at for v4.05m45
'Cat_settings' not relevant for V4 - only for V3.

Remote commands
Any comments about the 'accept remote commands' not actioning on 'local' mac when commands are selected? - still doesnt seem to work on 'local' Mac - but does do the selected command on remote macs.

thanks for the reply earlier
