However, if you overlap 2 mix windows slightly, it doesnt restore correctly in the following scenario:
Place mix 2 overlaping on top of mix 1, lock all - do a restart - and mix 1 will apear on top of mix 2 - not as when left.
(I had to fit 2 x 640x480 mix windows on a 1280x1024 desktop - and had to overlap mix 2 on top of the layer select buttons on the RHS of mix 1)
mix order is not saved - it is fixed on run to mix1-mix2-mix3-mix4.
i actually think this is safer.
if you want overlapping you need to take this into account. which will work. change the mix position, and the mix number

more sync ID's would be usefull
i added a few more - but this really isnt the way it should or needs to be used.

scan files' button on the 'library' HUD view
i think its going to come back...

On output 1, after slow scan files, icons are visible - but are kind of pixilated and blury.
computer graphics resources are not infinite.
it is kept low resolution to make sure there is enough ooomph in graphics system on low end machines.

accept remote commands' not actioning on 'local' mac
i think the way it works is the way it should work.
you can still run the command on the local mac - if you need to.