no beacause he did not present that application , the one you see it's photobooth . The application I'm talking about it's not a apple application , I think , it's something they using during the presentation and it's assome !

I did use cat many time to make presentation , that's why I'm interested about this kind of apps .

Here you can see the entire Keynote where Steve present some products , but if you focus on the webcast video feature you will see that they are using some kind of application to manage different video input , I see them use this input

Keynote that problably come from a PowerMac
iMac it's the one you see on stage
Live Camera it's the one you can see on the right

I don't know what kind of application they are using but the reflex FX it's very cool !! do you think it's possible to have something like that on CAT ?