chronosync is great - its as fast as your network... I use a Gigabit switch to connect everything, so theoretically faster than Firewire800??.

Obviously the first copy will be slow - but subsequent ones only update the changed content. It works by looking at either creation date, size, etc - quite a few configurable options. However, it doesnt always work if you replace a file with an 'older' version - which doesnt happen often.

Lots of options to set if reqd, depending upon your configuration. I set the scheduler to update every 10 mins. However, you can manually overide. Also set it only in one direction. So FOH becomes the master - all the others are an exact copy.

Obviously - remember to do a 'quick scan files' from you FOH Mac - or you wont see any updated content!

The software is fairly intuative and has good 'help' - but feel free to ask if u cant figure it out.

Thanks for the complements - hope it may be possible to create the 'soft DP2000' soon!!.....