NO artnet output in the hog III . ArtNet need to be calculate by the consolle , Hog III do not calculate the Ql , the dp 2000 do it for the Hog , that's way it's not possible to use Artnet with Hog III , may be one day High End will make a " DP artnet " that will calculate the channels for the hog .

Right now you can controll the catalyst allready with artnet protocol , so it mean that you can run it from a Grand Ma , but you will need to connect the Cib any way ( I think so , not sure ) cuz the License Key it's inside the CIB .

Any way the Hog III protocol it's based on TCP/IP so , if catalyst " simulate " a dp2000 it can be controlled directly by the hog .

I'm sure the G5 have the power to do things like this , I also think that it will take a lots of time to write this application to simulate the dp2000 and also this will be a complete new project from the catalyst application .

probrobly we will need to wait untill high end will ship a " dp artnet " box


Maxzyz do have artnet allready
Grand Ma do have artnet allready
Strand ? do they make light consolle ?