Quote Originally Posted by samsc
How many layers are you planning on needing in catalyst?
How long is the piece you need to sync?
is it hi-def or standard def?

is your production team using drop-frame timecodes and other such things?
use mtc to both catalysts. dont use sync.
I believe this specific case would be single layer playback of standard def graphical content, for 2.5 minutes, on Mac G5 dual hard drive systems. I will have to explore the drop-frame TC question further.

Quote Originally Posted by samsc
midi time code has a whole other set of issues.

doremi's typically only do a single video stream with no fx, and have nothing else going on on their dedicated system - so sometimes its not fair to compare them.

main issues with timcode type applications are the potential for slight timing differences between computer timing's and video timings, either because someone is using drop frame timecodes or whatever- and the fact that the computer video output clock cannot be locked to anything.

Some people have used timecode succesfully.
other people have had problems.
there are a number of very complex scenarios interfacing with externally clocked systems.
it is impossible to test all the combinations of equipment out there, and offer any definitive answer, under all circumstances.
interfacing pieces of equipment together always leads to surprises...

For people needing to have doremi's i did put in a control panel so that they can be controlled from catalyst via dmx.
I can see the elements in play that make this extremely complicated. Are there varilables that I can control that will optimize Catalyst performance when driven by MTC? Lower quality video content? A particular flavor of USB MTC input device?