Quote Originally Posted by mclean
1. Put a DHA gobo (BW clip) on layer 3 for example, white masks layer 2 and black masks layer 1.
and you dont want the gobo itself to be visible?

this is similiar to the gradient wipe that premiere used to do.
intermediate values between black and wipe - would set the mix between the layers ?

this would have to be a visual fx that outputted its image on layer 3.
param fx1 and fx2 would have to select the input layer.

Quote Originally Posted by mclean
2. transparency of layer set by CMY mix levels i.e. magenta + cyan at full = all blue is transparent.
how would you use this?

Quote Originally Posted by mclean
3. Add to the teapot, cube, and sphere objects. Is there some way that simple 3DS shpes (or similar objects) library could be added?
pixelmad loads 3d .obj files.
the problem is that creating and rendering 3d image on the fly - for what people expect 3d to be capable of - in general - exceeds the real-time capabilities of computers.
and you start to need a lot more parameters - if you want to give any flexibility.
3d files need a lot of support.