I think it's a brilliant implementation being able to use models to straighten out non planar geometry that you want to be able to project on. There have been many instances when production designers have come to me wanting to be able to project on non planar or curved projection screens and it's always been a bain because I couldn't before. This option really adds to the funtionality of Catalyst.

A really easy to use and great piece of software that is MAC compatible and creates .OBJ models is Modo 202. It's very very intuitive and you can create anything from very simple models to extremely complex ones in a fraction of the time it takes to model in Maya. It costs around $695 or $895.

XSI foundation for PC or linux only is also a great modeler, animator, shader, and widely used overal 3d package for only $495.

Most studios are migrating to XSI 6 foundation for most of their front end work and then importing the models via XSI crosstalk technology into Houdini or Maya to light and shade via Renderman plugs.

If you ust want to be able to easily create models without animating them and need an easy to learn package that works within Mac, I would purchase Modo. If you want a more full featured package that allows you to do everything from dynamics, modeling, shading, Rigging, and rendering I would purchase XSI foundation, that is if you don't mind working with it in a PC environment.


Christian Choi