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Thread: 3d Objects

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  1. #1
    Back to importing an .obj file, I have done all the steps and can't get it to appear in the visual effects control. Does anyone have a sample .obj file they can post so I can try? I have been trying with files found on the net, and that may be the problem. Any help would be appreciated

  2. #2
    please email me your model.
    3d models are very very finicky.

  3. #3
    I've created 2 models from 2 separate applications and they work fine for me. I used Modo 201 for the first one, and Maya for the second.

    Didn't need to do anything special except name them correctly. I named them 000model1football.obj, and 001model8wierdsphere.obj.

    I would post them but I can't upload them here as the file manager needs to accept objs.

    It works fine though. Double check that you have put them in the app directory and named them with a 3 digit number then model then a number then your description.obj. I did it just like how it was explained to me and it works. It might be possible that your normals are facing the wrong direction and you are seeing the back of your model. Try either rotating your model or camera if you are using a model that has only one side to it.

    Make sure to frame up the model and export the model only not the entire scene. Also make sure not to export any materials with the model.

    Christian Choi

  4. #4
    i added the obj file type- but you should zip them- really.

    one of the big advantages of obj files - is that they are text files - and they have a small number of features- so its not totally impossible to look at them a see incorrect things.


    3d models are tough -

    if you use maya and modo - - they do the right thing - most of the time.

    i use maya, formz, cinema4d, concepts 3d -i tried modo. i can just make models work.
    I have been able to get proper texture maps and uv coordinates out of cinema 4d - with non-mangled vertices -
    I also sometimes have to resort to windows based 3d file translation programs.

    but it sometimes takes lot of wrangling to make 3d - even transfering files from one 3d program to another, can be traumatic and difficult.

  5. #5
    Here's a simple checklist of things to do to create models that will absolutely show up under any circumstances.

    1. Use polys only, no Nurbs, Sub-ds, or anything else.
    2. Only use quad faces, no n-gons or triangulated faces.
    3. Make sure your object is oriented toward the Z camera
    4. Make sure to follow richards instructions on how to name the models exactly.
    5. Make sure to output only the selected model not the entire scene.
    6. check you scale, if it is in mm, your model may be so small that it will look like a pinhole. If you have been working in very small units, just double check that you aren't making models that are too small.
    7. try to use double sided geometry, i.e not planes. Instead of a plane use a very thin cube primitive, this way you are guaranteed not to have any reversed faces.
    8. If you need to use planes, turn on your normals and make sure they face the Z axis. Catalyst seems to orient the model towards the Z axis.
    If you're still having problem try outputting your model without any shading or bump/displacement.
    Z axis on many modeling packages is not height it is depth as in from the cameras point of veiw. Only in architectural and 3dmax is Z up and down. You can change this preference in most packages so that Z isup.

    I know that if you follow these steps your model should work. Experiment though in your spare time and try all types of geometry and faces. I'm not saying that they won't work, I just know what will.

    Anyone with any in depth 3d questions, feel free to pm me and post here.


  6. #6
    I have a very simple arc I'm looking to shoot onto. Here's the setup:

    3 projectors tiled (not blended) shooting onto a single arc (120' long w/ 70' radius). The projectors are each centered and squared up with their individual portions of the screen, so you could basically treat it like 3 separate and identical arcs. The "screen" is actually a curtain with fullness, so that will cover a little bit of distortion.

    Do I need to create a model for this arc, or will catalyst handle the curved surface through internal settings (i.e. mix settings, etc.)?


  7. #7
    Definitely use the curved screen submix. It's very reliable, I would try to get a Triplehead2go on it so that you can just use same layer and it will be guaranteed to stay in sync.

    This way you could control the 3 way tile with one long piece or 3 separate pieces if you want. If you don't need to spread one image all the way across, I would still use the internal curved screen control on the submixes that you are needing for and use 2 machines for it, unless of course it is a very small resolution screen...

    Alternatively, if you need absolute seamless screen blending with point control for luminosity, you could use a Spider but to me it sounds like Submix curve screen would work just fine in this situation. Even Catalysts Blending is completely and totally awesome, stack right up to a spider with a few small exceptions.

    Hope this helps


    Christian Choi

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by joshgubler View Post
    I think edge blending would be cleaner... designer has done a test shoot...afraid of loosing intensity by having to spread each of the projectors...
    Trust me on this, if you can blend, even a little bit, it will look so much better. With even the slightest overlap of two butted edges, your intensity increases and it is very noticeable.

    Quote Originally Posted by joshgubler View Post
    ...3 projectors tiled (not blended) shooting onto a single arc...
    ...120' long...
    Something of a concern, you mention 120'. That would mean a single projected image size of 30'x40'.
    I am not sure what projectors you are using but that is a huge image.

    I typically use LX-100 10k projectors and the largest size I would ever shoot is 18'x24' and that is in low light. Even if you are using a 20k projector, 30x40 is still huge and will only be about a tenth as bright as a typical screen.

    If you're worried about running everything off of a single Catalyst, remember you can use 2 TH2Gs and run 5 projectors and put your HUD on one of the six outputs.

    I have some intensity equations if you're interested.

    ...if it ain't broke...
    gimme 5 and then don't act surprised

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by litemover View Post
    Here's a simple checklist of things to do to create models that will absolutely show up under any circumstances.

    1. Use polys only, no Nurbs, Sub-ds, or anything else.
    2. Only use quad faces, no n-gons or triangulated faces.
    3. Make sure your object is oriented toward the Z camera
    4. Make sure to follow richards instructions on how to name the models exactly.
    5. Make sure to output only the selected model not the entire scene.
    6. check you scale, if it is in mm, your model may be so small that it will look like a pinhole. If you have been working in very small units, just double check that you aren't making models that are too small.
    7. try to use double sided geometry, i.e not planes. Instead of a plane use a very thin cube primitive, this way you are guaranteed not to have any reversed faces.
    8. If you need to use planes, turn on your normals and make sure they face the Z axis. Catalyst seems to orient the model towards the Z axis.
    If you're still having problem try outputting your model without any shading or bump/displacement.
    Z axis on many modeling packages is not height it is depth as in from the cameras point of veiw. Only in architectural and 3dmax is Z up and down. You can change this preference in most packages so that Z isup.

    I know that if you follow these steps your model should work. Experiment though in your spare time and try all types of geometry and faces. I'm not saying that they won't work, I just know what will.

    Anyone with any in depth 3d questions, feel free to pm me and post here.

    Hey Christian,

    Can you please help. I have followed your chuffed to find it....and ensured my obj's meet the checklist points. Im working in Maya and Catalyst 4.40 m466B. The 3D object is a fairly simple shape: a scale model of a fashion show catwalk. I want to use the obj to keystone my mix to the catwalk. I have had this working back in 2009...Im sure I have....but can't seem to replicate now.

    Ive been slightly confused between trying to use the VFX 160 approach(which doesnt seem to display or be affected by my model...there is no sign that my model is there at all when I use this approach) Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 12.37.10.png and using the Model Screen option in the Mix Options which does allow me to select my Model:Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 12.36.29.png.

    The closest Ive managed is with the Model Screen approach where an orthographic view of my model from front has shown up in centre of mix with red and green crosshairs either side/ top and bottom. This doesnt seem to be editable in any way though...or rotatable etc... and layer image/input doesnt display anywhere ....just a white empty shape.

    Can you please shed some light on this for me?.....many many thanks....eel free to ask for more screenies or report or more info/ files if it might help?

    Last edited by Badhurst; 23-02-2016 at 06:52 PM.

  10. Christian left the forum years ago
    Nev Bull
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