great. thanks.

i left it at 5 and 8 pixels for me - so i could check it worked right when orientated in different directions.


are there any other fixtures you think i should add?

or any other things you might need to do with the xml?


I had a fixture last week that needed the R and G and B to be all together, red channels first.
I added a 'stride' attribute-
	<Fixture menuname="Test CLS Mirror Panel 1" uniqueid="CLS1" excelexportid="CLS1" pixelwidth="8" pixelheight="1" output="CUSTOM" comment="CLS Mirror Panel 1" channelcount="24" channelsperpixel="3" orientation="BOTTOMLEFT">
		<channel index="1" output="RED" stride="0" />
		<channel index="2" output="GREEN" stride="8"/>
		<channel index="3" output="BLUE" stride="16" />