There are problems if the content is moved or goes missing.
samsc cannot find missing files.

Pixelmad uses a better way of selectable folders with library/file combinations. i need to add some kindof content folder that is changeable to samsc. this would be a place where files are searched for in the first instance. ( maybe in a special folder name inside the same folder as the application...)

Tim wrote me:
Remember I mentioned that when you go to a cue in Sam and click on the file to be loaded that your system does not take us there,,, well this "bit me in the ass" last week. If the file does not exist but the cue does then I need to know the file name and the path to the file where the cue is pointing. This way we can at least reload the missing source file in the proper location and with the proper name.

If your system has any cues that are pointing to a file that is not there then this needs to be warned with detailed information as to what is missing and where.