Been looking at the preset control, If it is envisaged that a desk wont be used, and control is soley from cayalst, then some of the following features would be usefull to speed up programming and playback of the relevant presets.

1) When in the 'edit preset, later...' window, it would be usefull to be able to select multiple parameters (ie all the keystone) and select the relevant fade/snap modifier to change all seleted all at once..

Following this, it would be useful to multiple select the times, of the previously selected items, and change all the values at once (assuming that they are all the same...) rather than doing them one by one for the same values.
(example - change all the keystone values to fade in 5 sec)

2) Ability to be able to copy/paste and swap layers within a preset and between presets. Or be able to snapshot from one layer in to another.
(example1 - black border mask on layer 4 to be copied to layer 8)
(example2 - copy all layer1 to layer2 and just change the file name in the 2nd copy - ie keep all the size, colour, keystone etc)
(example3 - swap 2 layers settings around)
(example4 - select layer 3, but snapshot from layer 6)

3) Ability to be able to copy, move and duplicate presets with the view of editing the second copy (but preserving the first) or moving them up/down the list

4) A seperate tab where default timing values can be set - ie snap or fade etc, and a default asociated time.

5) On each line of the presets, a 'GO' button and a 'release' button
Go - to load and run the preset
release - to stop the preset running and return the layer to its default values (unless another preset is running)

6) A main GO, 'Back' and 'release' button to enable the preset list to be used as a 'cue-list' (or a seperate cueist that can playback a sequence of presets (with names) in a particular order)

7) Ability to name each layer within a preset

just a few suggestions - do call for any explanations if they are not clear - hope its helpful...

