Just thought of another one while sorting some show stuff out.

I know its posible to swap arround 'cat-settings' files to 'save' the show settings by duplicating and re-naming the file - and if you delete the 'cat_settings' file, a new default one is created next time catalyst starts...

BUT, it would be great if files could be opened and saved from a file menu within Catalyst.

Although I realise that it is important for catalyst to always open with the file it was last working on - for show situations. It would be nice not to have to delve in to the directories to duplacate and re-name files to keep certain settings.

Guess another step on from this might be to be able to import presets from other show (cat_settings) files??? - Could obviously do this in a desk (hog) by improting a cuelist from a show for certain looks, and then re-snapshot the required preset..

Another one - bit more complex....
Ability to send preset/manual change information back to the desk (HogII). Could be done via midi in much the same way that wysiwig does? (ie direct midi note input to mimic button presses and result shown in the programmer.)

...just some thoughts