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Thread: Preset Edit menu issue

  1. #1

    Preset Edit menu issue

    I've started to have a recurring issue with version n561 when editing a preset - The window initially goes blank (as the attached screenshot), only to come back when I have to move the mouse to the window scroll, but if I don't do this perfectly horizontal from the selected layer or mix then the chosen layer or mix will jump to another. - Anyone else with the same issue?

    Screen Shot 2015-10-02 at 09.52.44.png

  2. #2
    Yes, I had this same issue the other day, didn't notice it at first, but depending on what I did it would jump to the bottom.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply, I'm glad it's not just me.
    I'm running the latest version on Yosemite

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    UK - Milton Keynes
    Im having the same issue -
    Can you try something:

    Create a blank show in a few folder with n561
    setup content layers etc
    save a preset
    then go edit it
    Does it work?
    (mine did)

    THEN - quit catalyst
    then re-open the same show
    try and edit the preset?
    does it work?
    (mine didnt)

    Then just open and close M466B
    and go back and open n561 show
    does it work
    (mine did!!)
    confused? - me too….

    Simon Pugsley

    SNP Productions Ltd. (UK)
    Lighting & Video Control Solutions
    Catalyst Dealer UK Europe & Worldwide...

    Office: +44 (0)1908 410129
    Mobile: +44 (0)7958 390034

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr_P View Post
    Im having the same issue -
    Can you try something:

    Create a blank show in a few folder with n561
    setup content layers etc
    save a preset
    then go edit it
    Does it work?
    (mine did)

    THEN - quit catalyst
    then re-open the same show
    try and edit the preset?
    does it work?
    (mine didnt)
    not seeing this on new mac pro with 10.9.5

  6. #6
    Its become since version with 4 screen, and I wrote about this problem in some thread, when using more than 2 output include set up screen. My solution: 1st time turn off unused outputs in catalyst preferences and restart, 2nd time I move a little bit in mac os display preferences at display arrangement tab 2nd screen, and restart catalyst. Mac OS 10.10.3 and 10.10.5

  7. #7
    Morning Chaps,

    Im running 561 here at wembley and have this problem too, was working fine editing presets now the white preset window (as shown above) is showing. The only way around it at the moment is to edit your presets outside of the 'hud' and close the window then click on the layer you wish to edit.

    Separate note: I did copy this over to the backup server and it froze trying to open the 'load cue' window, so guessing its a corrupt file somewhere?

    Don't want to touch it now!

    Using MacPro late 2013, 10.10.3

  8. #8
    This issue starts again with 503n561b under mac os 10.13.2

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