please try n546 - it reduces memory use which seems to help flashing and glitching in low memory conditions
Hi Richard,
can you explain how work "pseudo genlock" for phoenix input1
What are you using for hard drives in this setup? What video resolution and codec are you testing at?
Tyler Roach
Eclipse Creativity, Inc.
So i blew up my first Mac Pro. Literally killed it with 4 screens looping 4K video for 24 hrs. On to #2. One think that i am seeing now that i am using the star tech active adaptors is that the screens do not ID correctly in the Catalyst software. For example Screen 1 is mapped to screen 1, 2 to 2, 3 to 3, and 4 to 4. If i switch 2 & 3 in the catalyst software they both now want to work on screen 2 and i can't assign anything to screen 3. I have tried a new set of preferences with no luck. I would think with the way you have set this up you wanted to allow us to fix a bad screen assignment by an easy software swap.
Tyler Roach
Eclipse Creativity, Inc.
dont change screens assignment in catalyst - it doesn't work
all screen setup and assignment needs to be done without catalyst running-
as OS makes all sorts of hidden changes
all screen setup and assignment is done by OS - in whatever order it chooses - not me - i can't control any of this
Then what are these values for? Use Display Index 1 - 4
Screen Shot 2015-05-27 at 6.55.47 PM.png
Tyler Roach
Eclipse Creativity, Inc.
And actually now that i had dumped my prefs and started fresh i can put screen 1 into full screen twice, screen 2 once, screen 3 once, and i can't go to full screen at all on screen 4. Unless of course i mess with those settings....![]()
Tyler Roach
Eclipse Creativity, Inc.