Please post back if you have any info on capture with an external chassis, I would be very interested to know what seems to work.
Please post back if you have any info on capture with an external chassis, I would be very interested to know what seems to work.
are any of these tests being done on a base model? If not what are the machine specs? Thanks
Hi ajmaudio, my tests were done on a "maxed out" Mac Pro (i.e. with all upgrades possible from the Apple Store online)
New Mac Pro users may be interested in this by the way:
Ok.. thanks for that... now hopefully someone has tested a lower powered config... interested to see the difference. Also.. did you run your OS and content of of the same internal drive? If so did you partition it? If not what did you do. Thanks!
I am actually a tad shocked at the performance you guys are getting... wonder where all this extra throughput is coming from..
People need to try the prores codecs
Prores proxy is fastest
Prores lt about same as AIC
I made no graphics changes for mavericks or new Mac Pro
Same code runs on 10.6 - 10.9
Performance all comes from apple hardware and software
New mac pro Internal ssd is about 6 times faster than old Mac Pro discs
Os Performance has increased gradually since 10.6
how doe proxy compare to say AIC in quality
You should test - see if you can see any difference
All codecs quality depends on content
I always edit using prores proxy files - as it's the fastest on laptops
Testing with a Base model Mac Pro3.7GHz quad-core with 10MB of L3 cache
12GB (3x4GB) of 1866MHz DDR3 ECC
256GB PCIe-based flash storage
Dual AMD FirePro D300 GPUs with 2GB of GDDR5 VRAM each
Appears very stable running 16 streams of HD and 1 4k - before I had any frame rates drop below 25fps.
I need some help on how I might be able to hook up more than 2 outputs.
Thanks Richard. I will try when I get a chance... currently on a tour running Prores 422 and pretty happy. I will certainly try proxy on one a laptop rig and report performance. I am mostly interested in any "perceivable" difference in proxy and 422 in typical touring usage.
I use pro-res 422 LT if it is something with text that needs to be very clear and readable or things that are going to have a close more critical viewing location. Other than that pro-res proxy typically works fine and you can't really tell the difference. You will be able to run MANY more layers in proxy then with AIC in any testing that I have done, so I prefer to use it if I can.
We have some mac minis that we can run 6 layers of 4352 x 720 without a frame drop at 30 fps in pro-res proxy, so mac pros will smoke…