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Thread: m466B - v4 -

  1. #1

    m466B - v4 -


    replacement for m364

    compatible with v5 dongles
    password xenon

    bug reports to - please


  2. Great to see this released. Thanks for all of the hard work Richard!

    Nev Bull
    Pixels Plus Limited
    Digital Video Services

    Catalyst Software - Upgrades - Server Hardware - Accessories - Training - Support

    t: +44 (0)1494 858151
    skype: nevillebull

  3. #3
    Ditto Richard, thank you.

    In case anyone doesn't know Mavericks has more restrictive security for third party apps - when you (first) double click Catalyst the OS will refuse to open it. To get round this *right* click (or cmd-click) and choose open, you'll then get the option to open it or not. Like grown ups.



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Mexico City, Mexico


    Dear Richard,

    Thank you and congratulations for this release, many of us been anxious for it, and we know it took a lot of time and effort from you..
    Have happy projections,
    Mexico City, Mexico

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by wodie View Post
    Dear Richard,

    Thank you and congratulations for this release, many of us been anxious for it, and we know it took a lot of time and effort from you..
    i didn't want to release until we had a chance to test on new mac pros-
    people have only had them a few weeks- if that
    10.9.2 is currently unusable with lots of audio crashes in OS -
    10.9.3 in beta is better -

    still early days with hardware testing

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by samsc View Post
    i didn't want to release until we had a chance to test on new mac pros-
    people have only had them a few weeks- if that
    10.9.2 is currently unusable with lots of audio crashes in OS -
    10.9.3 in beta is better -

    still early days with hardware testing
    Thanks for all your good work!!!
    CINELUX (Spain)

  7. #7
    I can report a real world test with a full spec new Mac Pro, I got 19 layers of 1920x1080 @ 25fps playing back seamlessly (encoded as AIC using Cat's built in conversion). This was on 10.9.2 and I had a couple of crashes during programming but only until I converted the media. Media played from the Mac Pro's boot drive (1TB SSD). What else? All on one mix, many of the layers in colour fx 85, many using visual fx 204...

    In short. Wow.


  8. hey Tim - sounds similar to my testing - I got 19-20 1080 playback layers also

    Still testing capture with external chassis.

    Nev Bull
    Pixels Plus Limited
    Digital Video Services

    Catalyst Software - Upgrades - Server Hardware - Accessories - Training - Support

    t: +44 (0)1494 858151
    skype: nevillebull

  9. #9
    It sounds great. How is config of your mac? (grafic, proc, etc…)

  10. #10
    Cheers Richard!

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