hello Richard
i was at frankfurt yesterday and on the stand of high end there's a new version of the catalyst with multiple mix in one mix.... when can we have this new version ? and there has an other new fonction ?
hello Richard
i was at frankfurt yesterday and on the stand of high end there's a new version of the catalyst with multiple mix in one mix.... when can we have this new version ? and there has an other new fonction ?
Hello Yves,
this was a beta version of Catalyst and for Demo only and shown at the Arcus/High End booth.
This is just to show that Catalyst software is moving straight forward and can stand against other competitors.
Andre Krause
+1!!! I could really use this version as it has some features I need for an upcoming show. I fear I may loose the rental to a pandoras box!
What features do you need that aren't in earlier builds such as m365?
hello AndreK
thanks for your answer.
but i work with catalyst since few years and i work with hippotizer also, but i think some fonction on catalyst can be update like "speed" more low and more fast ... with smoothing. and the FX engine was soo poor i think...
is it possible to have a new fonction like "video mapper" ...
Re Video Mapper - you need to speak to Richard....
Exact Mapping in mix options does the video mapper thing. It's been in Catalyst for ages. I've done load of shows with it.
I find Hippo's Video Mapper rather limited by comparison - as you can use a combination of Exact mapping and transparent mix windows to amazing effect.
As for the frame blending effect then look no further than the FX Editor - again this has been in there for ages. If you click on the layer number in your layers hud you have the option of doing super slo mo too.
Exact Mapper is not in a released version Hugh - on request from RB only.
Nev Bull
Pixels Plus Limited
Digital Video Services
Catalyst Software - Upgrades - Server Hardware - Accessories - Training - Support
t: +44 (0)1494 858151
skype: nevillebull
e: nev@pixelsplus.co.uk
w: www.pixelsplus.co.uk
Yeah, thats what Im after, Exact Mapper. Ive also heard it called Exact Pixel too.
is that like using madmapper? more warping points?