
Using v4 pro m329.

I have a situation which may or may not be a glitch.

When I have a file set to play once fwd and set an in point it plays fine. Once. all good.( If no inpoint set the following is not an issue.)

However I release the playback. I watch the layer on the hud. It goes back to folder 0 file 0. inpoint goes to 0 and all other values default.

I then reactivate the playback.... the movie thinks its been played and sits in the last frame. If i change the file and set it back it plays.

So... it doesn't seem to be the console as the layer does seem to return to defaults. But am i missing some thing? Its a Chamsys console.

Its not a problem when running the show in order but during rehearsal its been dull. I'd assumed releasing the layer and then re firing cue would re-fire clip.

I've worked round it by having a playback that changes the file and playback type to a test clip and then playing back the clip i want...

I've seen it before and always assumed it was me being stupid but now I'm not so sure...