Thanks Simon, I agree and this was the type of feedback I was hoping for.

Never knew Catalyst shouldn't be in Applications. So, I should just keep it in a folder on the desktop?

Ill definitely add the layers selection in preferences, great idea.

As for the mixes, I'm kind of on the fence with that one. I want this to be informative and basic. In my opinion, if someone understands the mixes part of Catalyst then this guide I have going on won't help them any. The calls I get on a regular basis are people asking how to get something playing on Catalyst. Really people that don't understand what they're doing. So I was hoping this would get them started.

So far people are digging it so ill definitely keep it going. Ill make a few revisions to this one and then start creating a more advanced one. Any suggestions on what I should cover in the advanced version? Definitely mixes, definitely PixelMad. Any other suggestions?