Well according to the manual you have, command to turn black on should be typed into the serial preset as such:
and black off:

It doesn't appear it needs a <CR> at the end, but you can try adding a 0d to the end of the string before then ending ].

Also make sure you are sending out at 19.2k baud with 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit. Past that, make sure your tx/rx pins are in the right direction. You can try reversing them. (pin 2/3) and you can try using a null modem adapter. It swaps it within the adapter.

Past that, I am not sure. Make sure you don't have another speed selected within the projector if it supports that. You can also try using Putty or something on a PC to send a test command to the projector. I haven't used serial strings out of catalyst, but I can't imagine it not working..