Hi Christian,

Thanks for the input. I appreciate your thoughts and experience about budgets and today?s separation between video budgets and lighting budgets. However what I can tell you is that in many parts of the world (including USA) the DL-1s are being specified within video budgets quite frequently.

Most Catalyst sales (over 85%) accompany DL-1s. Your style is large screen video on shows.. and it is very wonderful... however as you know there can be more than one way to do things when it comes to design.

Of course I appreciate your opinion very much. You may soon have the opportunity to see a multiimage show programmed with 8 to 12 DL-1s in your area or the invite to come to Austin always stands. As of yet I don't think you have seen the product in use the way I describe.

BTW.. the DL-1 won a staging award at Infocomm and even those stone cold AV guys had there heads turned to a new way of thinking.

Give me a call if you would like to talk. I am not sure if I will have the time to post here often.
