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Thread: Catalyst v4.4 m329

  1. #1

    Catalyst v4.4 m329

    Catalyst v4.4 m329 -

    download m329
    password configfoam

    This has been around and in testing for a while on lots of shows-

    10.5.8 and above - Intel processors only.

    Changes improvements

    32 mixes 32 layers-
    Maximum image size 4480x2600 for full RED image size
    Improved proRes codec processing

    New colour FX architecture

    frame blending and other things-

    New visual fx for text and on screen information

    New layer playmodes
    step once forward

    Mix intensity -
    mix colour fx
    mix scaling and resize.

    Video input-

    New design for video input
    Crash with quicktime after 10.6.2 fixed

    Issues- things to look out for-

    Check your mix positions - visibility and width and height - they might have moved- if you are currently using m257
    This does not affect any presets or programming - just the saved onscreen position between restarts from m257
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    what version of OSX does this require?

    it works fine on my personal laptop (OS X 10.6.4) but wont run on the mac pro i use for catalyst which has OS X 10.4.11. which v4.20 runs fine on

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by hdmcc View Post
    what version of OSX does this require?

    it works fine on my personal laptop (OS X 10.6.4) but wont run on the mac pro i use for catalyst which has OS X 10.4.11. which v4.20 runs fine on
    needs apple libraries from 10.5.8 for some features - this is an apple thing

    tiger is not supported
    PPC also removed for same reasons

  4. #4

    Frame Blending& load presets

    Is there any documentation on the frame blending? I know on other systems these have to be certain file types.

    Is there a way to reload the preset file yet without closing the whole application?????


  5. #5
    I forgot to attach frame blending doc will do later
    Works with any movies


    Changing presets files has some tricky issues I haven't finished dealing with yet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Winter Garden, FL USA
    Is it possible to get some DMX values documentation? Please

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by MattMills View Post
    Is it possible to get some DMX values documentation? Please
    Dmx docs are in inbuilt webserver

    Address is in catalyst help menu

    Goto docs page

  8. #8

    fade out

    Delighted with the new version, Richard.

    I am working with DMX channels and I have a question about the difference between:

    Channel 47 - Mix TYPE ------ >Fade Out.
    Channel 1 - MIX COLOUR FX -->fade Out.

    Still I could not test them on the DMX Grand Ma
    A greeting and thank you very much for the new version.

    Eduardo Cueto

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by escueto View Post
    Delighted with the new version, Richard.

    I am working with DMX channels and I have a question about the difference between:

    Channel 47 - Mix TYPE ------ >Fade Out.
    Channel 1 - MIX COLOUR FX -->fade Out.

    Still I could not test them on the DMX Grand Ma
    A greeting and thank you very much for the new version.

    Eduardo Cueto
    it looks like they do the same thing.

  10. #10


    Care to explain play mode 51 Autofade and the step modes.
    I must be missing something

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