Catalyst v4.4 m329 -
download m329
password configfoam
This has been around and in testing for a while on lots of shows-
10.5.8 and above - Intel processors only.
Changes improvements
32 mixes 32 layers-
Maximum image size 4480x2600 for full RED image size
Improved proRes codec processing
New colour FX architecture
frame blending and other things-
New visual fx for text and on screen information
New layer playmodes
step once forward
Mix intensity -
mix colour fx
mix scaling and resize.
Video input-
New design for video input
Crash with quicktime after 10.6.2 fixed
Issues- things to look out for-
Check your mix positions - visibility and width and height - they might have moved- if you are currently using m257
This does not affect any presets or programming - just the saved onscreen position between restarts from m257