I'm having a problem with getting straight lines out of Catalyst. This seems like it should be a no brainer but I can't make it work.

If I take a video source (via Phoenix input) or any piece of content and bring the dimmer up & scale it smaller than the mix (so that the edges of the layer are visible) there is usually a one pixel tear on at least one side of the rendered layer.
I thought this would be an easy fix by adjusting the default fine rotation value at the console but that didn't work, which I find astonishing.
The rotation channel on grandMA is defaulted to a 16-bit value of 32768. If I adjust it to 32767, the tear simply moves to another part of the edge.

I find it unbelievable that out of 64,000 possible steps on a 16-bit channel, I can't get a layer with a straight vertical edge on the sides!

And no, the problem is not caused by the wall processor or anything else in the food chain. The problem is visible right on the local LCD monitor, as well as a separate MAC MINI system I use at FOH for preview only.

What's the trick to getting a perfectly square layer in Catalyst?


4.30/build 297