Hello All,
I have been touring 5 Top Spec Octo-Core MacPros around with Muse for the last 10 Months. We have seen major issues with the Pheonix cards failing on us and are still to get to the bottom of the issue. So far we have had trouble with 6 out of the 10 Cards and want to look for an alternative. I feel on the edge and can not rely on the AS cards for the moment.

The straw that broke the camels back was placed this last weekend in Seoul where we were forced to use a new DeckLink HD Extreme 3D. It worked seamlessly out of the box saved the show. Despite having to go down to one input...

Just wondering about the Decklink Duo now and pondering it's viability to serve as 2 inputs. Until Active Silicone can give me a good idea as to the issues then i am forced to use a reliable alternative, even if i loose a frame or two by using the deckling cards.

Just to give you an idea of the pain we've been through.
we we're suffering the PCI cards not being recognised by the OS but intermediately, when they we're seen by the OS, their drivers we're found and then not found.. This is really bizarre and scary in a show situation.
To top this off we suffered for the final time when after installing and jigging cards into new slots, somehow it worked up until the point we moved the BNC connections on the MAC. I gave us the impressions there is something loose on the cards or something is very venerable to movement or static, hence my need for deeper investigation from AS.

I have bought a Decklink Duo and Keen to make it work with Catalyst.
If you need me to send it to you let me know.
