the import and export formats match-

so the first thing to do is export and then import the same file - without making any changes at all - and check this works.

Quote Originally Posted by Mick Murray View Post
I tried exporting a pixelmad pixel strup from catalyst to edit it and suck it back in for quick setup. I took the text file and imported it into excel made my changes and tried importing it into catalyst.
It did not work! I then tried exporting a simple setup from pixelmad , i cleared
the fixture setup window with clear button and tried to import the file just exported. Again nothing! I am using CATPM 4.2_m257UB_HD The bit that i am noticing is: The fixture number is missing when u export and it is instead replaced by fixture type, this is the same for all columns they have all shifted leftby one column all the way to the orientation being in the Ypos, is this a bug in 257? Is there a way to cheat it? or should i try an older version to do the importing with fresh file and then create show from there??? I had 253 fixtures to map which i'ms sure is small fry but it may need to change as the project is still at design stage, am i doing something wrong? I also looked for info about importing / exporting the text file but didnt find anything.
Can some one help please am almost demented after typing / clicking 1012 times ! See exported example attached