I would suggest using latest release software m257. 165 is pretty old.
There are some FX that require the HUD to be open once before using them.

After all there is no disadvantage in m257 compared to 165 as far as I know - but some bugfixes and some new features.

Quote Originally Posted by bright View Post
got a strange problem over here with a musical show which has been running foreever. Now that we moved to a new theater we changed from CIBs to running the software on Artnet. Just found out that some fades on Out 1 will only fade whenever i have the layer HUD up over the output. Whenever this is hidden, it will just snap. Anybody ever had that issue?

Right now we are running 151 because of the designer specing it that way. Also tried out 165 which a had at hand. Did not help either.