Hello everyone, I am about to use my PixelMad for the first time and I was wondering if you guys might give me some advise. Heres what I have going on....

GrandMA going to my new ELC Node 6 (ip Node 6 going to my Catalyst (V257 on my Mac Pro ip

I have 24 Martin StageBars and i have copied the fixture info into the library and all seems to be fine so far. I have them all placed in PixelMad, all that seemed to go well.

And thats about as far as ive gotten. I plan on using the grand MA to control the Stage Bars as well as use PixelMad to control them for some effects. I am going to put the rest of my rig on the board XLR outputs and I will be putting all the Stage Bars on either an NSP (if needed?) or use the ports on the Node 6. And, how do I go about addressing them? Lets say I have 4 trusses, each with 6 Stage bars. I was going to patch them on the GMA per truss, universe 5 on 1 truss, universe 6 on the next truss, and so on.

Can you guys point me in the right direction of getting this all configured? Any help is greatly appreciated. This is my first go around putting it all together my self. Thanks, Matt