Hi Richard,
so i'm working in a project using web led froma chroma-q..it is just a proposal..
i'd like to set up 500 square meters..something like 62 universes dmx! first i can't link my artnet device from Cat to wysiwyg ( ip on artnet)...in this moment isn't the problem..but what i mean it's that probably i don't have to use artnet (because it seems that can work just with 10 universes). In pixel mad there are much more..but how i can to link catalyst on wyg without artnet? Anyway about web led, yesterday guy from chroma-q support says to me that their device are made with an artnet input as much as it needs..so probably if i link"real" web led the problem dosen't exist!..please apologize my english and my not good experience in big led surface (is my first time) thank you. luca