
create presets for your main loop using only layer 1 & 2 and put these in a cuelist with internal time to fade between the number of presets you have created

create 15 presets with 1sec fade in for each 'jukebox' movie (snapshot layer3)
create 1 preset with just intensity layer3 ONLY at zero (no other parameters)

each of the 15 cuelist starts with one of the 15 presets and starts internal timecode running
2nd cue fades out intensity (layer3) at the desired timecode (end of movie)
then resets cuelist
(its a bit like creating a timed self releasing cuelist on a hog)

you should end up with 15 jukebox cuelists and 1 main loop. You can trigger each cuelist from the webpage.

Havent got time this week to show you a programmed example - let me know the timescale of your project and I may be able to help next week.
