Quote Originally Posted by SourceChild View Post
Incidentally, QT Text Track is one of the foundations that Live Type uses. If you have Final Cut Studio with Live Type, you can do much the same thing.
live type is a proper text creation animation program. not related to quicktime text tracks.


quicktime text tracks are an ancient way of doing small numbers of these things ( and pretty much obsolete )
according to wikipedia they date back to quicktime v1.5 ...

Apple released QuickTime 1.5 for Mac OS in the latter part of 1992. This added the SuperMac-developed Cinepak vector-quantization video codec (initially known as Compact Video), which managed the previously unheard-of feat of playing back video at 320×240 resolution at 30 frames per second on a 25 MHz 68040 CPU. It also added text tracks, which allowed for things like captioning, lyrics, etc., at very little addition to the size of a movie.
you cant do much with quicktime text tracks, and it hasnt been changed for a decade or more - but for some things it might work.