Quote Originally Posted by ljb2of3 View Post
I am unable to scale a layer with the keystone visual effect applied to it. In keystone setup I can scale it, but not when I switch back to the normal keystone mode.

This problem exists in 132 and 165

(And don't tell me to use keystoned submixes either... that simply isn't working for this show, I've tried)
what do you mean 'i am unable to scale a layer...'?

what do you mean this simply isnt working for this show?

- this is the way to do this - im in spain right now - doing a show with exactly this-

you need to figure out how to do this - it is imperative - its the only way to be able to scale and move layers on object.

did you need to follow the steps i indicated?
Did you create a test image with the correct aspect ratio for the stage object?


you then practise - set up a projector by yourself in a room- and practise setting up the mixes so that they align onto various points corners or objects in a room.
get a feel for how you set up the mixes to project onto different objects or surfaces in a room.
try different walls or cupboards etc.
watch how perspective projection works.
watch what happens when you move an object on a keystoned mix-
get out of the theatre - and into a private room.

practise moving a white blob from one corner to another- or up and down a wall.
Ask yourself :
"Did i setup the corner points correctly?"
"How accurate does this need to be?"
check and double check.


You should also study the nature of perspective-
and perspective drawing:

watch how the size of windows on a building changes as it recedes into the distance?
windows with the same dimensions are the most useful - then you can see how they change shape?

imagine each one of those windows is a surface onto which you have to project an image?
see what happens?
what happens if you only have a single projector- can you see how the shape changes?

perpective and perspective mapping - and its inverses - are non-linear - every single point in the world has a unique perspective and a unique projection.