You do a hyperlink like below, where you put in your machine name.local or IP (if you do machine name it's a bit more traveling friendly) followed by the SAMSC port (7000) then the only supported command (as far as I know) followed by the name/number of the cue you wish to trigger. This number/name is what is displayed in the "Show Cue" column of your cuelist. It isn't apparent to me that the ?whatever=xxx callout actually does anything, but I make it match nonetheless.

When you run it successfully, you'll link to a page that will say Unknown command or something. I find if you just do an <iframe> for the target on the same page and make the size of the iframe 1x1 pixel then you can "hide" it.

<a href="http://jabadger-l07.local:7000/samsc(cuelist,searchandplay,101)?whatever=cue101" target="hiddenframe">Yadda</a>