I Thought Catalyst v4.1 m165 was the latest version, but I was out in Utrecht recently and saw the Dirty Dancing system turned on with Catalyst v4.1 m172. Is there an m172 version available somewhere? What's new in it?
I Thought Catalyst v4.1 m165 was the latest version, but I was out in Utrecht recently and saw the Dirty Dancing system turned on with Catalyst v4.1 m172. Is there an m172 version available somewhere? What's new in it?
Kevin Carson
Lighting & Video Technician
Royal Shakespeare Company
There are various other versions, some custom, on various shows.
V4.1 m165 is the current public release - thats the main one you should find on most up-to-date rental macs for general use.
Simon Pugsley
SNP Productions Ltd. (UK)
Lighting & Video Control Solutions
Catalyst Dealer UK Europe & Worldwide...
Office: +44 (0)1908 410129
Mobile: +44 (0)7958 390034
It's actually not smart to use anything over m165 at the moment. Some times we've had weird needs for modified functionality. As the programmers with the specific needs, everything is cool because we can work around any bugs we have. There is nothing catastrophic but little quirks show up.
All in all though, these custom build don't do much more than the m165 you are using. I still put m165 on anything I rent outside of my own use.
...if it ain't broke...
gimme 5 and then don't act surprised
dirty dancing - had specific software written for the show - to support things they needed-
i do this for many shows- sometimes the ideas are only half developed or implemented - but enough for the shows.
dirty dancing needed control of their remote panasonic cameras- it was an idea i tested on the show.
on the next show this month - we test other things.
if you need stuff - ask me.
nothing to do with 'smart' - kevin isnt a new user, he knows what he is doing - builds are done for specific shows with custom requirements - not because of bugs or quirks-
Every build has to fully work!
its no good having a build that breaks any show!
the intermediate builds often go onto long running very high profile shows- as you noticed with dirty dancing - they have camera control stuff in their software. - for the cameras they use on that show.
But its also a way of me testing stuff out- and making sure it works.