
Originally Posted by samsc

well the key to any documentation, is reading it very very closely and do exactly what your are told.
but even then documentation and ones interpretation can be incorrect.

I sure tried to read as closely as I could and do exactly what I understood ! The fact that I wonder why anyone would like to reverse bytes did not stop me from doing so myself...


Originally Posted by samsc

'Reversed' opcodes would be a sign of a little endian vs big endian byte order. same as all pentium pcs.

that bit of information is new to me, only did programming on mac (and atari, way back), don't normally come close to pentium machines, but that has nothing to do with that I followed the specs, it says for every field whether hi or lo byte is first, that is pretty clear, although I don't understand why a protocol would mix both representations..
I guess there must be some historical reasons of some sort, some hardware reasons.. ?


Originally Posted by samsc

are you sending to udp address or

as listed in the specs (page 8) I send to (or with the jumper). is pretty crazy, no ?

but what the about that first 8-char string, is that 'big endian' too ?