Wow! Sometimes I think I wish I were born 20 or 30 years younger. I'm just a true geek down inside and when I think about the birth of computers, I wish many times I had been there to be a part of it.

It's so hard sometimes to sit down and know that someone else has already written a tool that I can use when I know that just a little bit of time is all it would take to make that tool myself.

Sort of like Catalyst. When I play with video software, I imagine all the wonderful things I can and would do with it yet I am still impressed that Catalyst does. Even when I want a new feature, Richard has usually thought about it and is willing to get right on it if he sees a benefit for the community.

I'm sure many of you will argue that this business is all about money and clients. To me though, at the end of the day, it's about the beauty we can create and the potential we can build into the tools we use to create it.

Of course this is me and I'm just a geek. If you have a conversation with Richard, just remember he likes Ancient History and thinks the technology craze is boring. hehe.