Hi folks,

At an event last weekend the photographers wanted to do a fast turn around slideshow of the day's photos from a MacBook via iPhoto to music.

I offered to show the photos using cat and do a remote inject and quickscan but they wanted the transitions and music. So I was forced, in order to easily get the macbook onto the 2 mixes of plasma screens round the venue, to scan convert the macbook down to composite and input using my LFG4. It looked absolute dogs**t so I had to resort to my original idea much to the upset of the photographers.

I'm after a good way of inputting a DVI source, or indeed HDMI since Macs can handle HDMI resolutions.

One option was to get an HDSDI card and convert from HDMI to HDSDI which seems costly, or go for an Intensity which would also be useful for edit monitoring.

From searches I've spotted reports of latency due to lack of direct api and using buffering. Could anyone using it in a real world application give me some idea how bad it is?

Any advice is much appreciated.

