
Please let me tell you something.

I am a lighting and video programmer but I started out in high school as a hacker. Sadly though I took the windows route and didn't spend as much time with UNIX and Linux as I probably should have.

I have an MCSE, MSDB, and MSOE from Microsoft. I also have a CCNP, CCNA, and a CCIE from Cisco.

I never used Macs until about 2 years ago when I bought 2 as Catalyst machines. Still though I only used them to run Catalyst. It was only in the past year when I really got into using my Mac for other things.

As an animator I was doing 3ds Max and AutoCAD (which only run on PC). I also used MS Project and OneNote (not to mention a whole array of other PC apps).

I started learning Maya, already knew all the Adobe crap. When I used the on a Mac the first time I was shocked! I sat down in front of Cinema 4D and was instantly hooked.

Having the two Macs, I installed bootcamp images of XP so I could use them as render machines for a project I was working on. My $5000 Mac pro was actually faster running XP than my $9000 Boxxtech PC. Oh and XP didn't crash on the Mac Pro.

I started using macs more. Even started using them for things like email and other stuff I normally did on PCs.

I had a $6000 Alienware laptop with an Opteron Processor. The thing is heavy as hell and burns through a full battery in 20 minutes. My brand new Macbook Pro is faster, lighter, quieter, and hasn't crashed yet.

I even started learning Xcode. I bought several books on Xcode and on Applescripts. I learned the core of UNIX and now, I can do things that I never imagined doing on a PC faster and easier with a Mac.

I bought myself another Mac pro which I made my main work station. I have also turned all my PC work stations into Hackintosh computers (see OSX86Project).

As of a week ago, I am now totally OSX. I do own parallels desktop for Mac which is a virtualization software that allows me to install XP but I only use it for a few remaining things.


I wish I can take back all the years I wasted using PCs. I wish I could get back all the money I wasted on PC hardware. Everything and I do mean everything is better on Mac.

Even now today with 10.5.3 upgrade, things got even better. PLEASE!

Consider things differently. If you were trying to do your show on a PC, it wouldn't work at all. I'm sure with a bit of changing, your system will become flawless as well.