Quote Originally Posted by ryanww View Post
yea I think for this particular project VGA is easier because the source is most likely a 1604 going to just a normal projector. In the future I would like to get DVI ones but its just going to cost too much for the budget I have. I am just going to get a set of the Magenta research multiview boxes. they are decently priced and seem to travel the farthest with actual distance ratings opposed to estimated ratings. Will getting shielded cat cable offer better noise rejection or is it really just a toss up?
Honestly Ryan,

I know Simon and Gian talk about DVI not always being the best and to a degree they are right. However, I use the thinklogical boxes that Hugh recomends and they have proven to be the best. Also, fibre is cheap enough to justify it.

I personally recommend thinklogical boxes for DVI with Fibre. But agree with comments now and in the past I have heard from Simon.