I've been running a couple of shows on my macbook pro up to now, one outputting to 3 screens using matrox triple head, the other with two soft image blended, all has gone well so far, so its probably time to quit while i'm ahead and build a proper media server, so far these threads have answered most of my questions so i'm going to go with a 4 core machine 3.0Ghz instead of 8 and spend the money on ssds instead, the only question unanswered is which graphics card to use, i have a show coming up with 2 layers of 720i hd footage alternating between layers , its spread over 5 screens using 2 triplke heads, (same layer on each screen for most of show with static images going to single layers for one part of the show) , am open to suggestions on 8 core machine if someone reckons its going to make a difference,

But what is the best video card?
Am guessing the most powerful open gl or is catalyst designed for a specific one?