I was messing around with MTC to sync movies on the V3.3 server... I couldn't get it to work properly. I checked and rechecked the value of DMX for the MTC playback mode twice, in an old manual and the manual which is on the web....

I couldn't get it to work.

Finally I decided to download a hog disk from the HighEnd website with the cat v3.3 personality on it.... Voila....

In this LIB file the value for MTC and Deck sync is set to 20 and 21 etc... and NOT the 100 and 101 which is descriped in the manuals!!!!!

Doesnt make a lot of sense does it!!!!

Any way.. it works now... but it might be a good idea to change the manual????

And how does it then work when you want to sync to MTC +1hr...?????